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IAP Newsletter No. 58Mart / April 2013.

From the Secretary – General

Let`s go back to the last days of October and the first days of November 2012. About 350 colleagues from 80 different jurisdictions came together in Bangkok, Thailand, for the 17th IAP Annual Conference.

This Conference with the theme: “Transnational Organised Crime and its expansion into diverse areas of Criminality and the role of the Prosecutor” was hosted by Mr. Chulasingh Vasantasingh, the Attorney-General of Thailand. Everyone experienced a very warm welcome and our Thai colleagues showed us a great hospitality.

The Conference was a great success and the social program was amazing. In this Newsletter you will find a report about the Conference from one of our members from Mauritius and you will also find short reports of the General Meeting and the meeting of the Executive Committee that was held in Pattaya, the Saturday before the start of the Conference.

Also this Meeting was very well-arranged and fruitful. In this Newsletter we also publish the list of IAP Award winners and once again our congratulations for all the mentioned achievements. All the documents regarding this Conference are available on the IAP-website.

On behalf of the International Association of Prosecutors I want to congratulate Mr. Chulasingh Vasantasingh and the local organizing committee for these unforgettable events and I want to thank them for all the hard work that has been done and I think that they affectively promoted for their beautiful country and interesting culture. Last month we held the 13th IAP European Regional Conference in The Hague with the theme: “Gender Justice”.

In our next Newsletter you will find a report of this conference. In September 2013 we will have the 18th IAP Annual Conference in Moscow with the theme: “The Prosecutor and the Rule of Law”. The local organizing committee orchestrated by Mr. Alexander Zvyagintsev, Deputy Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation, is already working hard to make this Conference a memorable event.

I would like to encourage you all to participate and the online-registration will be open soon. Under “Diary Dates” all the other forthcoming conferences are indicated. In February I visited together with Janne Holst Hubner, our communication manager, Dubai to discuss the generous offer from the Attorney-General and the Senior Advocate-General of Dubai to take on the administration of an Arabic IAP-sister website.

The first steps were made to make it possible to launch the Arabic sister-website during the 19th IAP Annual conference in Dubai in 2014. I would like to thank Mohammed Hassan AbdulRahim, member of the Executive Committee for his enthusiastic support and all the arrangements for our visit. The next Newsletter will be published in June this year. As always contributions for the Newsletter are very welcome.

Derk Kuipers

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