Iako MEDEL ne raspolaže sa dovoljno informacija kako bi komentarisao pokušaj državnog udara u Turskoj, teško je razumeti kako i zašto sudije i javni tužioci, koji svakodnevno obavljaju svoje funkcije u pravosuđu, mogu biti umešani u takve okolnosti, i zasto se izlozeni pritvaranju zbog slobode da misle i presude.
MEDEL podržava sudije i javne tužioce udružene u YARSAV, udruženje koje je član MEDEL-a i koje je posvećeno vrednostima nezavisnosti sudstva i vladavine prava, kao i uz sve turske sudija i javne tužioce kojima preti pritvor zbog vršenja funkcija nezavisne kontrole u demokratskom društvu.
MEDEL poziva da se hitno oslobode sudije i javni tužioci koji su u pritvoru i da se načini nezavisna ocena dogadjaja u pravosuđu Turske, uz puno učešće međunarodnih posmatrača.
Biro MEDEL-a
* MEDEL (Magistrats européens pour la démocratie et les libertés) je Evropsko udruženje sudija i javnih tužilaca za demokratiju i slobode
MEDEL was informed that today thousands of judges and prosecutors in Turkey were arrested and dismissed. While MEDEL has not sufficient elements to comment on the attempt of coup d’etat occurred in Turkey, it is hard to understand how and why judges and prosecutors performing daily their judicial duties can be involved in such facts and face detention for their freedom of judgment and opinion.
MEDEL stands beside judges and prosecutors associated in YARSAV, the association member of MEDEL committed to the values of independence of the judiciary and Rule of Law, and to all Turkish judges and prosecutors facing detention for performing their duties of independent control in a democratic society.
MEDEL calls for immediate release of judges and prosecutors detained and for an independent assessment of the judiciary in Turkey, with the full involvement of international observers.
The Bureau of MEDEL
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