Tekst o Jasmini Krštenić objavljen u novom broju newslettera IAP


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In Focus: IAP Member Jasmina Krštenić, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Serbia

Jasmina KrštenićIt is an honour to be a member of this important professional association, the IAP, and to have had an opportunity to visit the Secretariat in The Hague, The Netherlands in October 2017.

I  hope that my professional work and experience will be useful for other members. I would like to present myself as a Deputy Public Prosecutor with legal  practice of more than  14 years, as a certified trainer and consultant for prosecutors and a member of the Consultative Board of the HELP Programme (European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) of the Council of Europe, Focal Point of HELP Programme for Serbian prosecutors.

I live and work in the Republic of Serbia, a beautiful country with pleasant and kind people and good legal system which is in the process of harmonisation with the EU’s legal rules and standards. In my daily work I deal with domestic legal acts and certified international conventions. The work of legal professionals in Serbia has to be in accordance with European Convention on Human Rights  and with the Case law of the European Court for Human Rights. My colleagues and I  are familiar with our national and international legal obligations, but professional challenges make us aware of our constant need to improve our knowledge and for continuous training in order to improve our professional skills.

I have been working for three years as PR in the Public Prosecutor’s Office, 10 years as Public Prosecutor’s Deputy in charge of training assistants in the Public Prosecutor’s Office. For more than 15 years I have been researching and publishing legal articles and actively taking part at the national and international conferences and seminars and trainings. I am the author of the HELP course International Cooperation in Criminal Matters, available on the HELP platform.

Researching and implementing human rights, and the protection of human rights are my professional preoccupation besides my daily work. I would like to help professionally in supporting the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and other European human rights standards at the national level in Serbia and other European countries. Ensuring a harmonised body of case law at the national level is as a precondition for the coherent implementation of European human rights standards, all in order to prevent new applications being brought before the ECtHR.

HELP has the aim to support implementing the European Convention on Human Rights at the national level. This is done by enhancing the capacity of prosecutors to apply the ECHR in their daily work. They have to be up to date with the ever-evolving standards and case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

I recommend to all members of the IAP to visit www.coe.int/HELP and to enrol in distance learning courses. There are so many interesting on line courses which can help us in our daily work. I will be glad to help you all in that process.

Jasmina Krštenić, Deputy Public Prosecutor, IAP Member, Member of The Association of Public Prosecutors and Deputy Public Prosecutors of Serbia.

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