


MEDEL Council of Administration, Ponta Delgada, Azores

MEDEL Council of Administration meeting held in Ponta Delgada, Azores, on March 2nd, while attending the XIII Congress of SMMP. Our associations gathered to discuss...

MEDEL at the XIII Congress of SMMP ”Ministério Público em evolução: atualidade, proximidade e iniciativa”

Medel will be present at the Congress of its Portuguese member association Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Público (SMMP), Ponta Delgada, S. Miguel, Azores. During...

Conference „New prosecutorial laws and fight against corruption“, Hotel Metropol, 17th November 2023

Annual Conference of the Association of Prosecutors of Serbia “New Prosecutorial Laws and Fight against Corruption” will be organized on Friday, 17th November 2023...

Appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia

After the implemented judicial reform, the new Judicial Councils started implementing the new judicial laws. The very beginning of the work of the new composition...

23rd of May – Alert Day for the Independence of Justice

Every 23rd of May, MEDEL celebrates the Alert Day for the Independence of Justice paying tribute to Giovanni Falcone and his commitment to Justice, that eventually brought...

Will the working versions of the law on the prosecution result in a faster access of citizens to justice?

In the beginning, I would like to take your readers back to the not-so-distant past. Just 15 years ago. Namely, by scheduling a public...

Conference “Protection of Migrants and Refugees and Political Asylum”

MEDEL, together with its Spanish members Unión Progresista de Fiscales and Juezas y Jueces para la Democracia, will organise on December 2nd, in Barcelona,...

PAS Conference „What to expect from new prosecutorial laws?“: New Laws represent greater personal autonomy of prosecutors

New prosecutorial laws mean more autonomy but also responsibility in making decisions in the procedures for prosecutors at every level and continuing process of...


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