IAP – 17th European Regional Conference 2019, 16-17 May 2019, Porto, Portugal: Effective public prosecution in Criminal Justice: Strategies and Organization aspects

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Date: Thursday 16 May 2019 – Friday 17 May 2019

Location: Oporto, Portugal

About the Conference

  • Venue:                  Oporto (Porto Palácio Congress Hotel)
  • Date:                     16 – 17 May 2019
  • Fee:                       250 EUR
  • Room rates:         150 EUR (single room)/ 165 EUR (double room)
  • Languages:          English and Portuguese
  • Host:                     Sindicado dos Magistrados do Ministério Público (SMMP)




The role of the Public Prosecution Service within the criminal justice system calls for an increasingly effective organisational structure and working processes, to deal with nowadays complex and serious crime, while guided by the Rule of Law.

Public Prosecution Services operating in the different legal systems use different ways to deal with this demanding task, often influenced by national traditions and cultures, national media and politics, while global aspects such as cross-border crime and international judicial cooperation become increasingly important. Prosecution Services are responsible for finding the most effective and efficient organisational structure and working processes to organise criminal prosecutions. At the same time it is necessary to gain public confidence in the judicial system and strengthen the legitimacy of the Public Prosecution Services.

In this context, which are the best strategies and which organisational structure should apply Prosecution Services? How to make them better equipped to face the new reality? How to meet public, governments and partners` expectations?

Strategies should be developed in order to better manage the complex fight against the increasing danger of (international) crime. Public Prosecution Services should act according to well-defined objectives. They should set priorities and establish activity plans. Efficiency, competence, speed, economic rationality and accountability should all be taken into account. Today, more than ever, the role of the Public Prosecution Service requires effective recruitment and training, specialisation, effective control and direction of the criminal proceedings, and last but not least the effective digital support of organisational processes.

All of this should be accomplished within principles of a democratic Rule of Law. These principles should always be respected and should guide the complex management of Prosecution Services. Prosecution Services should intervene consciously and homogeneously, should act fair and firm, should be objective and impartial and inform the public in a transparent way.

The aim of this conference is to find and discuss the best ways to combine effective and efficient organisational procedures while safeguarding the rights of the individual, both the accused and the victim. This challenge is not solely the responsibility of the management. Frontline prosecutors will be the first ones to experience the effect of inefficient processes and the effect of their work towards accused and victims.


The conference presentations will be in a panel format. Two or three speakers and a moderator/facilitator in each panel will cover throughout the conference the most relevant items regarding the structure and role of the Prosecution Service in criminal justice.